Installation of Sé at Gaelscoil Lios na nÓg
‘Sé /Six’ A Collaborative project with the Children of Lios na nÓg primary school in celebration of 20 years of the school’s existence as well as commemorating the historic context of the school building. Cullenswood House was the location of the first Irish language school set up by Pádraig Mac Pairais / Pádraig Pearce, one of the signatories of the Irish Proclamation in 1916. Lios na nÓg school was founded by a group of parents in 1996, and moved to Oakley road in 1997. It has 230 pupils now between 2 and 12 years of age, and all subjects are taught through Irish.
Commissioned by the school, the work was made as part of the 1916 centenary celebrations. It was supported by ‘CraftEd' a project with the Design & Crafts Council of Ireland, which is an initiative to introduce primary school children into a variety of craft based artist-led projects. In the development of the work, school tours, workshops, design challenges, and debates were undertaken. The window looks out on where an orchard once grew, and reflects on the integration of nature, culture & creativity which is at the core of this Gaelscoil. Original artworks made by the children of 4th 5th and 6th classes were interpreted to create the windows. They are situated on the primary access staircase of the new wing designed by Paddy Fletcher at Wejchert Architects Dublin at Lios na nÓg Gaelscoil, Cullenswood House Dublin 6 .